This set of Addition and Subtraction Word Problems by Problem Type allows the teacher to differentiate the numbers for students and teach them to look at the context of a problem before working with the numbers This has become my favorite resource to teach students to truly understand how to solve word problems, using models and strategies that work for the contextStudents learn to solve addition and subtraction word problems Note that key words for addition are altogether, total, in all Key words for subtraction are left, remaining, more, fewer, increase, go up, grow, decrease, go down, reduce · 24 Addition and Subtraction Word Problems Grade 1 If you routinely create the very same types of documents, consider making your own template in excel 13 or alternative versionRather than inserting the exact same text, modifying font styles or correcting margins each time you begin a new document, opening a custom template can allow you to get directly to work Addition And Subtraction Word Pr...